Eagle Scout Service Project
Proposal Submission

This form can be used to submit your Eagle Scout Leadership Service Project Proposal to the district advancement team for approval. You must secure approval from the District Advancement Chairperson (or representative) before you begin any work on the project.

To use this form:

  1. Complete pages A-H of the Eagle Scout Service Project Proposal
  2. Fill in the form below.
  3. Attach the PDF of the Eagle Scout Service Project Proposal and any supporting images.
  4. Submit the form.

A representative of the district advancement team will contact you to arrange a proposal review. For more information about the Life-to-Eagle process visit the council website

Proposal Type *

Scout Name *Your request Subject for which you are going to raise the ticket.

Email *Use an email address that you check regularly and/or get notifications for.

Parent or adult leader email *An email address for a parent or adult leader is required to ensure 2 deep leadership guidelines are followed in our correspondence.

Unit Type *

Unit Number *

Unit Town *

District *

Date of Birth *

Comments *Please enter any additional comments about your project.

Upload Project Proposal *
Upload a copy of your completed Eagle Scout Service Project Proposal INCLUDING SIGNATURE PAGE H. Include any pictures or drawings that will support your proposal, if available. MAX FILE SIZE 50mb A member of the district advancement team will contact you as soon as possible to review your proposal. DO NOT BEGIN ANY WORK, including fundraising, until your proposal is approved. It is recommended, but not required to include your fundraising application if you are planning on doing fundraising.

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